Bar Ilan is a known university that has many positive things, however, the Communications bar Ilan website can be improved. To start the main page it does not tell the prospective student why they should go to Bar Ilan instead of other schools. The main page is composed of facts about the program that may not help the upcoming student understand why they need to go to bar Ilan. At the same time, it is really difficult to find the website on google which is the most used operator nowadays. For example, if you look up on google “communications abroad Israel” you will not find the Bar Ilan website anywhere. The website at the same time is not being updated frequently which leads to the bots not coming frequently into your website which leads to not being the first one to show up on google. To fix it the people in charge of the page should keep updating the page and write more information on how to help the upcoming students.

In the picture above we can see that not many can easily reach the communications website

In the picture above you can see that the Bar Ilan website it's not in the first few websites when you search for communications in Israel