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How arealist took flight

Naomi Argy

Updated: Nov 7, 2018

Have you ever wondered about the dance that can be danced in the sky? How someone can just hear melody and let themselves go... and most importantly who started it all?

I could not tell you, that my fascination began early on that I loved it since my young eyes saw it for the first time. But I have grown and learned to love it.

Now I know that I love aerial dancing, I love how I feel tangled up in those silks and how I let myself go.

However, this sport is brand new in the scheme of things and I will try and explain it’s short but strong history. It all started with Jules Leotard. A French-born acrobat from the late 1800 ’s who was the first in recorded history to do a flying trapeze act. He started the idea that you could do aerial acts.

In the peak of circuses performances, aerial dancing kept making an appearance. Lillian Leitzel was one of those individuals that kept the sport alive. She became the aerialist queen. By using roman rings she would hang fifty feet above the ground and dazzle the crowd below her.

Years later the term aerial dancing came to life in a French circus school in 1959. In which a student took a piece of silk and tried to do an act with it. However, the idea was not officially recognized until much later.

In 1998 many artists started playing around with the idea of using silks in their performances. "The art of Aerial Silks became widely known by Isabelle Vaudelle and Isabelle Chasse. It was in 1998 when the two artists presented their Aerial Silks moves during a performance called Quidam" ( Since then aerial silks started to become popularized.

Today the idea of combining strength, flexibility, and music has become more known. Many have joined the sport and I was one of the lucky ones to learn about such a harmonious sport.



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